St John the Baptist Primary School
The Childcare Offer
The government is trying to improve access to childcare known as “wraparound care”, so that parents and carers of school-age children can access childcare in their local area from 8am – 6pm.
What we offer
We offer a free breakfast club from 8am for Nursery (3 year olds) to Year 6. Please notify school if you would like your child to attend and we will explain where to bring them. For breakfast, there is a range of cereal and toast. The children can then access different activities including a sports coach.
Childcare after school
From surveys we have completed, there is not enough demand for paid after school provision to make it financially viable for us to run. We been asked to signpost families to Ofsted registered providers, who offer after school care. Stockton Family Information Directory lists the possible providers in Stockton:
We will continue to survey our families to see whether demand for paid after school provision has increased.
Everyone Different, Everyone Loved