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St John the Baptist Primary School

Background Slideshow

Christian Ethos & Worship

St John’s is at the heart of our community, with God at the centre of what we do.



“‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’  This is the first and greatest commandment.  And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbour as yourself. Matthew 22


 ‘If I had such faith that I could move mountains, but didn’t love others, I would be nothing’. 1 Corinthians


St John’s:  ‘Everyone different, everyone loved’


    Our teaching and development of every child is rooted in Christian Values, biblical teaching and overarched by the theme of 'love'. As Jesus loved and welcomed all, we follow this example and live out our motto of 'Everyone Different, Everyone Loved'. 


    Daily acts of Worship are what makes our school special. The coming together of children and adults to learn how to live their lives through Jesus' teaching is a special time for all. We worship through stories, prayer and song, with children being active listeners and participants. Worship is delivered by staff, children and members of the church and community. Each week, a worship is held in class rather than whole school so children can feel that closeness and togetherness with their peers.  The links with the parish of Christ Church are strong and Rev. Jennie regularly leads worship both in school and at church, with KS2 children taking part in regular Eucharist services.



    Our worship themes are:

    • Autumn: Thankfulness & Trust
    • Spring: Perseverance & Justice
    • Summer: Service & Truthfulness




    Each class has chosen a bible quote that reflects the individual ethos of their own class and they work collectively to achieve this.  

    Everyone Different, Everyone Loved
