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St John the Baptist Primary School

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We take Safeguarding very seriously and ensure that our children are kept safe, our families are supported and challenged and that we teach a curriculum that enables children to keep themselves safe. We have 5 safeguarding officers to provide a high level of support to staff, children and families.


Our designated Safeguarding Officers in school are:

  • Mrs Coe
  • Miss Irwin
  • Mrs Dixon
  • Mrs Conroy
  • Mrs Wilkinson


It is everyone's responsibility to safeguard our community's children and young adults. If you think a child is suffering from abuse or neglect, report it.


If you are concerned, you can:

  • speak to any of our designated safeguarding officers in school
  • email These emails are only accessible by our safeguarding officers in school however if you think a child is at risk of immediate, significant harm you must contact the police or the Children's Hub
  • Contact the police in an emergency
  • Contact the Children's Hub
  • Contact the NSPCC


If you think it!


Children's Hub

01429 284284 (office hours 8.30-5.00)

01642 524552 (Emergency Duty Team - out of hours)



Report abuse


Tees Local Safeguarding Children Boards Procedures Website



Stockton Safeguarding Children Board



We are an Operation Encompass school, working in partnership with the police, to safeguard children who have witnessed domestic violence. For more information visit

In the event of another local or national lockdown, or whole or partial school closures:


Designated Safeguarding Leads continue to be  Kerry Coe, Kathryn Irwin, Wendy Wilkinson, Helen Conroy and Vicki Dixon due to their level of training and skill.  If we are closed, our Designated Safeguarding Leads/Deputies will continue to remain in contact with those children who we deem are vulnerable or have a multi-agency statutory plan in place to safeguard them. Additional information can be found in the Addendum to the Child Protection Policy in the Polices section. 

Everyone Different, Everyone Loved
