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St John the Baptist Primary School

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Class 8 - Mrs Pogue

Autumn - Ancient Egyptians



Wow.. what a term! It has passed so fast but we have enjoyed so much this term in Class 8. We started the year welcoming some new students who have been made to feel so welcome in our class. In science this year we have studied Space and Earth and we enjoyed a visit to the life centre in September. Our theme this term as been a History study on 'Ancient Egyptians', we studied their civilisation and what they developed in terms of trade, writing and their social hierarchy. We enjoyed a VR experience exploring Tutankhamun's tomb and the experience enabled us to see the great pyramids upfront. Year 6 enjoyed their residential to Robinwood, which was amazing to see children push themselves to their limits and reach new goals! We have been to the cinemas, the Mayor's Carol Service, carolling, the theatre and prayer spaces. In English, we have focused on SPaG and sentence structure and letters.

Spring - Sow, Grow and Farm

During the Spring term, we have beenvery busy and have enjoyed lots of nice experiences too. We have worked really hard on our English and Maths skills in preparation for our SATs. Some children have enjoyed Yoga out of class and we have enjoyed lots of trips and experiences. As part of our new topic Sow, Grow and Farm, we had fun at the dairy farm and we were amazed to see newborn calves and cows being milked. The children had lots of fun exploring with the VR headsets. In addition, we have been fundraising or our trip to London and we had lots of fun at the Pop-Up shop which raised over £700! 

Summer - Groundbreaking Greeks

We have worked incredible hard this term and the children have completed their SATs papers to the best of their ability. We are so proud of their hard work and dedication. As a reward, the children have been treated to a trip to Hollywood bowl which as created some wonderful memories for them all. We have enjoyed a pantomine in schol, The Secret Garden, which Year 6 also experienced a workshop where the adults informed us about the different elements needed to create a production. We are now really looking forward to our residential to London, which we have been working hard to fundraise for. We have had a wonderful year with our Year 6 children and know they are ready to start their time at Secondary.

Everyone Different, Everyone Loved
