St John the Baptist Primary School
What a great term Class 9 has had! We have worked hard and learned a range of new skills. We have been active everyday, developed our cricket skills, had an amazing day learning how to play tag rugby and lots of our class have improved their swimming too. Our Science lessons taught us about Earth and Space then we enjoyed our visit to the Life Centre. In History, we have been studying the Ancient Egyptians. We have learned about their civilisation and were able to explore inside Tutankhamun’s tomb using VR headsets. Our Year 6 children pushed their limits at Robinwood and we have all had an amazing build up to Christmas with a trip to the theatre before putting on an amazing production of Oliver in school.
During the Spring term, we have been working really hard in English and Maths as we prepare for our upcoming SATs. Though we still had time for a range of exciting learning opportunities, including completing several careers workshops (which encouraged us to think about the skills we will need in the future) and we visited a dairy farm as part of our Sow, Grow and Farm topic. We celebrated World Science Day and World Poetry Day. We also accessed school's VR headsets to explore a range of amazing places.
Summer - Groundbreaking Greeks
After completing our SATs assessments (and all doing our best) we were treated with a trip to Hollywood bowl and the beach (with ice cream). We have had an eventful few weeks with a whole school performance of The Secret Garden, a cricket morning and lots more opportunities to go outside with orienteering. We had a lovely leavers service in Durham Cathedral and are working hard to prepare our in school service.
We are now really looking forward to our residential to London, which we have been working hard to fundraise for. We have had a wonderful year with our Year 6 children and know they are ready to start their time at Secondary.
Everyone Different, Everyone Loved