St John the Baptist Primary School
If you would like your child to attend our school, please see full details of our admission arrangements below. Our Admissions Policy, which is in line with the Local Authority Policy, is available in our policies section. More information is available on the Stockton Admissions website page:
Foundation Stage (Nursery and Clever Caterpillars - 2yr old provision)
Children are admitted into Nursery as soon after their third birthday as we can but sometimes we are full and need to have a waiting list. The list is kept in the school office; please make sure that you have filled in a form to enrol your child before his/her third birthday. When a place is available a member of the Foundation Stage Team will arrange to visit you and your child at home. A booklet telling you more about the Nursery will be given to you.
We now offer 2 year old provision in school, for 15 hours per week, either morning or afternoon provision. Once a place becomes available, you will be contacted by a member of the team who will arrange a home visit. At the home visit you may ask any questions regarding the school and the provision we provide, also our Nursery staff will request information from you regarding your child. Following this visit you will be informed of your child’s start date in either morning or afternoon nursery.
In year transfers
Applications for a primary school place outside the normal admissions round are treated as ‘in-year’ admissions. Requests are regularly received from parents to transfer their child to an alternative school and it can be for a variety of reasons. In certain cases it does not always benefit the child or the school and so the Local Authority has laid out procedures which are followed upon receipt of such a request. If you pay your Council Tax to Stockton Borough Council and you want to change your child’s school you will need to complete an ‘In-Year Application for change of school’ form for each child who you want to transfer.
If you are moving away from Stockton to another Local Authority you still need to complete a Stockton transfer form and we will liaise with the other authority. Once they have considered your application we will contact you with the decision.
If you are moving into the Stockton area you will need to contact your Local Authority for their application form or if you are moving from abroad please contact the School Admissions team for more advice and support.
School has 2 Enhanced Provisions
Entry Criteria (through the Local Authority)
Cognition and Learning
Cognition and Learning is their primary need
• Has a substantial level of learning difficulty.
Developmentally they are performing at or below the 2nd centile
• Their audit band for Cognition and Learning is 4 or 5 from the Stockton Borough Council (SBC) provision guidance
Physical and Medical
Physical and/or medical is their primary need
• Their audit band for sensory and/or physical is 4 or 5 from the SBC provision guidance
• There is evidence of significant physical/medical need from a medical professional
• A medical/personal care plan is in place with significant adaptations from the home /school
Once a child is allocated a place in the EMS, a period of transition will begin, where the teacher will visit the child in their own setting.
The child will then visit our school and meetings with parents and school staff (teacher, SENDCo etc) will be set up.
Specialist Provision
In September 2024 we are opening specialist provision at St John's. Children will be allocated a place by the Local Authority, through the EHCP process.
Choosing a secondary school
Parents/carers of Year 6 children, please read the leaflet below from Stockton Council School Admissions. It will give you key dates you need to be aware of and information on how to apply for a place at your chosen school. We will provide details from secondary schools, as we get them, as to how they will provide you with information about their school in the current situation.
Stockton Local Authority Secondary School Admissions Page
Pupil Admission Numbers
In 2023, our pupil admission number for Reception was reduced down to 30, from 45. For more information, please follow the link below.
Everyone Different, Everyone Loved