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St John the Baptist Primary School

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SEND Support

What SEND support is...

Special educational needs and/or disability (SEND) support is a category of support for pupils with SEND.


These children will receive special educational provision. 


The school will:

  • have identified that they have an SEND
  • note this in their records 
  • tell parents or carers that their child will now receive SEND support
  • check that they're putting the right support in place for these children.


To do this the school uses the graduated approach.


The Graduated Approach

The graduated approach is a 4 stage cycle that helps the school learn more about:

  • the pupil
  • what helps them make good progress


The graduated approach has 4 parts:


The school assesses the child's needs. They listen to the views of the child and their parents or carers. They also ask for advice from other specialist support services if needed. 


The teacher and special educational needs coordinator (SENCO) plan how to support the child. They consider what outcomes they want to achieve. They involve the child and their parents or carers and agree a review date. 


The SENCO helps the class teacher support the child. They think about the child's strengths and weaknesses and how best to help them. The teacher also works with the teaching assistants and specialist staff involved. They assess how helpful the support is. 


Everyone discusses how effective the support has been. The school adapts the support depending on the child's progress. The child's views and those of their parents or carers are an important part of the review process. 

If the child isn't making good progress the school should involve a specialist. Schools involve parents or carers in decisions to involve specialists. 


Schools should meet with the parents or carers of children with SEN support at least 3 times a year. 


Help for your child through SEND support 

SEND support can take many forms; it will be different for each child to suit their needs. 


SEND support could include:

  • a special learning programme for your child
  • extra help from a teacher or teaching assistant
  • working with your child in a small group
  • helping your child take part in class activities
  • encouraging your child to ask for help
  • helping other children work or play with your child


The school will tell you as parents or carers what support they're developing for your child. This might be through:

  • a provision map
  • an SEN Support Plan

School funding for SEND support

All mainstream schools have funding to support pupils with SEND. This is called the notional SEN budget. 

Schools can decide how to use their notional SEN budget to support pupils with SEND.


Progress with SEND support

Schools should adapt the support given to a pupil depending on how effective it's been. 

If a pupil doesn't make progress with SEND support, the school and parents may consider making a request for a needs assessment for a needs assessment for an EHC plan. 

SEND Support: The provision the Local Authority expects to be made available at SEN Support (without an Education, Health and Care Plan)

Everyone Different, Everyone Loved
