St John the Baptist Primary School
Autumn 1 - Ourselves
We have had a fantastic first half-term in EMS1 and a have made a great start to the school year in our classroom. We have made lots of mess and have experienced lots of sensory activities, using our senses to explore different foods, materials and textures!
The children have settled in well and adapted to their new surroundings. We have used this term to establish routines and get to know each other. We have been learning lots of new and exciting things and the children have enjoyed exploring our classroom and all the new resources.
This half-term, our topic has been 'ourselves'. We have completed lots of PSHE based activities learning about different emotions and made some great faces showing how we were feeling. We also learnt about things we can do when we are feeling sad, frustrated or angry. We learnt about ourselves and what makes us unique!
We have enjoyed weekly cooking sessions, in the communal kitchen and have made some tasty treats that we have enjoyed eating during snack time.
We have started taking part in whole school worship with the rest of school, learning the school prayer and eating our lunch in the studio.
Autumn 2 - People who can help us
Another half-term has flown by and the children have all enjoyed exploring the classroom and learning lots of new and exciting things. During this half-term the children have been working really hard on their name writing using their fine motor skills.
We spent the first half of the term learning all about ‘people who can help us’. The children enjoyed welcoming visitors into EMS1 including the fire service, the dentist and police officers.
We have learnt all about different festivals including Bonfire Night and Christmas. We made lots of firework prints and Christmas crafts and thoroughly enjoyed getting messy!
We ended the term learning all about Christmas and all the lovely things that happen at that time of the year. We had our first school trip which was a visit to the local ice-rink, we enjoyed our ‘singing hands show’, a visit from Santa and his elves and our Christmas party.
We celebrated Christmas with our families by inviting them into school to watch our Christmas performance and complete some crafts with us – we worked really hard to learn all the songs. Well done everyone!
Everyone Different, Everyone Loved