St John the Baptist Primary School
Staff list for 2024/2025
Strategic Leadership Team
Mrs K Coe - Headteacher & Designated Safeguarding Lead
Miss K Irwin - Deputy Headteacher & Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs V Dixon – SENDCo & Designated Safeguarding Lead
Senior Leadership Team
Mrs L Smith - Teaching & Learning and Basic Skills
Mrs V Elliman - Teaching & Learning and Basic Skills
Middle Leadership Team
Miss E Hauxwell - Assistant SENDCo
Mrs J Hammond - EYFS & KS1 Leader
Miss E Knaggs - KS2 Leader
Early Years & KS1 Team
Nursery & Clever Caterpillars (2 Year Old Provision)
Class 1 (Reception)
Class 2 (Year 1)
Class 3 & 4 (Year 2)
Lower Key Stage Two Team
Class 5 (Year 3)
Class 6 (Year 4)
Class 7 (Year 4)
Mrs R Bayman - intervention support across LKS2
Upper Key Stage Two Team
Class 8 (Year 5/6)
Class 9 (Year 5)
Class 10 (Year 6)
Mrs M Nicholson & Mrs V Aitchison - intervention support across UKS2
Enhanced Mainstream Provision
EMS1 Team
EMS2 Team
Miss L Armstrong - Health and Care Support across EMS
Specialist Provision
Pastoral Team
Mrs H Conroy - Welfare Lead
Mrs J Roberts - Early Years SEND support
Mrs W Wilkinson - Inclusion Hub Lead, CIOC
Miss A Bollands - Pastoral Support & Theraputic Work
Miss A Cook - Pastoral Support & Thrive
Office Team
Miss M Llewellyn - School Business Manager
Mrs L Fletcher - School Administrator
Miss A Hitchcock - School Administrator
Premises Support Staff
Mrs M Nicholson - Caretaker
Lunchtime staff
Mrs A Coxon - School Cook
Mrs J Dixon
Miss K Dalkin
Mrs L McIntosh
Miss H Hammond
Miss J Bolam
Mrs D Bousfield
Miss C Bousfield
Everyone Different, Everyone Loved