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St John the Baptist Primary School

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Religious Education


Our aim is that children leave our school with love in their hearts, love for others and love for themselves, as this is the main teachings of the Bible. Children will be aware of Christian values and will be taught to have respect for people and traditions from other faiths.

They will explore core Bible texts, examine the impact for Christians and are ready to consider possible implications for themselves and others.

Our RE curriculum educates our children about Christianity and other faiths represented in our school and beyond in order to meet our school’s moto “Everyone different, everyone loved”


Statutory requirements and curriculum information

The national curriculum states the legal requirement that:

'Every state-funded school must offer a curriculum which is balanced and broadly based, and which:

· promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils; and

· prepares pupils at the school for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life.

All state schools ... must teach religious education ... All schools must publish their curriculum by subject and academic year online'.

(National Curriculum in England: Framework Document, DfE, September 2013, p.4)

Please read our intent, implementation and desired impact of our RE curriculum

Please read our Curriculum Vision to find out more about how RE progresses in our school and why

Everyone Different, Everyone Loved
