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St John the Baptist Primary School

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Specialist Provision

Autumn- Ourselves

Theme Overview

We have had a really busy term in the Specialist Provision. The children have all settled in to full time school really well and are becoming familiar with our daily routine. We have spent lots of time this term getting to know the children and building strong relationships with them. The children are gaining lots of confidence in their new enironment. 


Our theme this term has been 'Ourselves'. We have done work around our families, bodies and where we live. The children have enjoyed our weekly PE sessions with Phil and our weekly soft play sessions at Ragworth Community Centre. We have focused on a nursery rhyme each week as part of our phonics and a number a week as part of our Maths work. 


The children have also spent lots of time outside, in our sensory room and doing messy play. The children have all been working so hard and are definitely ready for a well earned break. We are looking forward to starting our new topic in January. 

Spring - Our School

Theme Overview


Everyone Different, Everyone Loved
