St John the Baptist Primary School
Welcome to St John the Baptist Church of England Voluntary Controlled Primary School
Welcome to our website. We hope this will give you a flavour of our school – but please do contact us if you would like more information or would like to come for a visit.
Our school is a Church of England Primary school at the heart of our community. We work closely with the Church family and children attend services in the church on a regular basis. We follow Christian values linked into our Golden Rules.
We are a highly inclusive school where we value all children regardless of need. Our motto is ‘everyone different, everyone loved’. We are an Enhanced Mainstream School (EMS) for two different provisions for Stockton – Cognition and Learning and Physical and Medical and we are also a Pathway Development Centre (PDC) for children at risk of exclusion. All of the children integrate into mainstream school for parts of their week. In addition to this we host an Inclusion Hub for the Virtual School to support children in the Local Authority, up to Year 8.
From September 2024, we are excited to opening specialist provision at St John's and we are working closely with the Local Authority and other specialist provisions during the process of opening. Initially, we will be taking up to 24 children, which will possibly increase up to 48 over time.
We are passionate about making a difference for our children and families and try to work with all our families in a supportive way. We have a strong Pastoral Team who can provide a range of support to children and families.
We take Safeguarding very seriously and ensure that our children are kept safe, our families are supported and challenged and that we teach a curriculum that enables children to keep themselves safe. We have 5 safeguarding officers to provide a high level of support to staff, children and families.
I am very proud to be the head teacher at St John’s, with such wonderful children, a staff group who are passionate about making a difference and have high expectations and a strong community around us of families, Church members and Governors.
We are always striving to improve and ensure that challenging targets are set for both children and staff!
Enjoy looking at our website and please look at our prospectus for more detailed information.
Kerry Coe (Mrs)
Head Teacher
Golden Rules & Christian Values
We have high expectations of behaviour, attitude to learning and attitude to each other. To help our whole school community understand this, we use 3 simple rules and these are linked to Christian Values:
If you require further information please feel free to contact the school.
Our email address is :
Head Teacher: Mrs Kerry Coe
If you require a paper copy of any information on the website, please contact the school office.
Everyone Different, Everyone Loved