St John the Baptist Primary School
St John the Baptist CE VC Primary School
Curriculum Intent Statement
Learning for Life: Loving to Learn
“‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbour as yourself. Matthew 22
‘If I had such faith that I could move mountains, but didn’t love others, I would be nothing’. 1 Corinthians
St John’s: ‘Everyone different, everyone loved’.
We aim to provide an education based on Christian values, which enables children to deepen and grow in faith. We aim to provide an environment where they can learn RESPECT for property and all people, regardless of faith, culture, race or gender – knowing that we are all different and all loved. We want all our children to show compassion and be thoughtful to others, learning to collaborate with others.
We will ensure that all our children learn RESILIENCE and are determined to succeed at whatever they are doing, with a healthy mind and body, by encouraging a willingness to take risks and accept failure. We will provide a safe and secure, but challenging, learning environment for them to do this in.
We want all our children to set goals, explore, be curious and have aspiration, in READINESS for their next stage. Through an inspirational curriculum, we want them to experience new things and develop a love for learning, with a purpose, so they know they can contribute to their school family now and be employable in their community and beyond in their futures. We will nurture them to become confident, independent individuals who have skills for later life.
We want our children to:
We teach the National Curriculum and we base this around Cornerstones Curriculum 22 as a starting point. This ensures what we teach is sequenced and taught in such a way that children can build upon their prior knowledge, as well as needing to recall and make links with what they have learnt previously. Each subject has been adapted to reflect the context of our school and what our children need in order to thrive.
We offer a well rounded curriculum and experience that develops the whole child. As a school, we strongly believe in the importance of mental health and wellbeing, giving children time to talk, explore and understand their emotions, feelings and relationships. There is an extensive package on offer to children from expert staff to meet their individual needs.
If you wish to view to full programmes of study from the DfE, please follow the link below.
Want to know more?
To learn more about our curriculum, please take a look at the subject pages under the curriculum tabs where you will find:
To see in more detail what your child is learning this term, you can also explore our 'Class Pages' tab, using the link below. Here you will also see our curriculum in action.
You can also visit our Facebook page
To speak to a member of staff about our curriculum, please contact the school office who will direct you to our Curriculum Lead or Basic Skills Leads.
An Accessible Curriculum
Our motto is 'Everyone Different, Everyone Loved' and we pride ourselves on our curriculum being accessible to all children - those in mainstream classes and in our EMS provisions. For more information on how we comply with the Equality Act 2010 and the SEND Regulations 2014, please see our SEND page.
Everyone Different, Everyone Loved