St John the Baptist Primary School
In our first half term back we have had a lovely time settling back into school life. Our topic 'All About Me' let us learn lots about our teachers and friends in our class. We loved learning different facts about each other and enjoyed listening to each other speaking. Our favourite part of the half term was our trip to Fun Shack! We used our gross motor skills through running, jumping and climbing.
In Autumn 2 we enjoyed our ice skating trip to Billingham Forum as well as having lots of fun making Baby Jesus using shredded wheat, chocolate and Jelly Babies. We coloured our Reindeer mask for the Reindeer Run which we really enjoyed taking part in. We decorated Christmas cards and made salt dough decorations for our tree at home.
In summer term we have been very busy!
We loved our topic of 'Wriggle and Crawl' and learning about farmyard animals during our trip to the farm. we learnt lots about the animals and enjoyed writing letters to the farmer.
We've been working hard learning how to fasten buttons and tie shoe laces which we have made huge improvements.
As part of our PSHE work, the children loved having a visit from the RNLI. We learned about what they do and how we can keep safe around water. They also got to try on some of their equipment!
The children have loved keeping active this term and have really enjoyed our PE sessions with Mr Park.
We have worked hard during the 'Abstract Art' topic creating our very own digital printing on the iPads as part of our computing lessons.
Overall we've had a great term!
Everyone Different, Everyone Loved