St John the Baptist Primary School
Autumn 2 - Fabulous Festivals
Wow, what a busy term we've had! During the first half of the term our topic was 'All about Me'. We learnt about ourselves and what makes us unique. We also looked at the wider community and enjoyed our weekly trip to Aldi to buy groceries for class. In Autumn 2, we learnt about different festivals including Bonfire Night, Diwali and Christmas. We loved making clay Diwali lamps, firework prints and lots of Christmas crafts. Throughout the term, EMS1 have had weekly sessions with the therapy pony which was a big hit with everyone! We also enjoyed a visit from Penny the therapy dog and appreciated Santa Claus taking time out of his busy schedule to join our Christmas party.
Spring 1 - Let's Make a Mess!
It has been a fun half term, with lots of mess! We have experienced lots of sensory activities and used our senses to explore different foods, materials and textures! Everyone loved reading 'We're going On A Bear Hunt' and then going on our own bear hunt through the water, mud and snow! Our Sensory Room was looking a bit tired so we bought lots of new lights and toys! We think it looks amazing! In MHWB week we learnt about different emotions and made some great faces showing how we were feeling. We also learnt about things we can do when we are feeling sad, frustrated or angry. Everyone has worked hard learning how to share and take turns with our friends and we are doing well with this.
Spring 2 - Transport and Journeys
It's been another action packed half term! We have learnt about different forms of transport and the best way of travelling to different places. We have used our imaginations to make buses, cars and trains. Everyone joined in with a trip to the seaside, Spain and Splash! We did lots of investigating to find out how different forms of transport move and did some testing to find the best material to make a boat. We did a traffic survey to find out what forms of transport travel past school and found out that there were more cars than other transport. We even saw a police car and ambulance! In RE, we have been learning about the Easter story. We made peg donkeys and palm leaves to celebrate Palm Sunday and re-enacted the Last Supper.
Summer 1 - Under the Sea
Everyone in EMS1 has enjoyed learning about sea creatures this half term. We have learnt the names of lots of different sea creatures and can sign the names. Our under the sea sensory trays have been very popular and have helped us to develop our fine motor skills. Every Friday we have prepared and cooked sea themed food for Hygee Friday. During life skills sessions, some of us have been learning how to make a pictorial and word shopping list. We have used our lists to find groceries in our local shop. We are excited to visit Tynemouth Aquarium in July!
Summer 2 - Wriggle and Crawl
Everyone Different, Everyone Loved