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St John the Baptist Primary School

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Class 1 - Mrs Hammond

Autumn Term 2023: My Everyday Life! 

We have had a fantastic first term me in Reception and have been busy learning lots of new and exciting things, including our whole school rules. We have started taking part in whole school worship with the rest of school and take part in a full PE lesson in the hall. We have found out about lots of different festivals inclduing Diwali, Hanukkah, Bonfire Night an of course Christmas.   We have welcomed some new faces in class and  all of the children take part in a daily phonics lesson to support reading.

SPRING TERM PLANNING - Wonderful Winter and Lets Grow

We have had another fun half term in Class 1 learning about growing, changes in season and what we need in order to live happy and healthy lives.

We have visited Hardwick Park, during this visit we enjoyed learning about the life cycle of a plant and also the changes that happen in the park during Spring.

We have enjoyed World Book day, designing and making story maps based on some of our favourite traditional tales and we ended the term by taking part in a multiskills festivals led by Stockton Schools Sports Partnership.  Throughout this sporting festival we tried gymnastics, dance, yoga, early tennis skills and martial arts.


We have had another fun half term in Class 1 learning about animals, their habitats and their life cycles.

We have visited Butterfly World and Newham Grange Farm, during these visits we looked at the animals in their habitats, their families and what they like to eat.

We have enjoyed parents in school for maths, singing and crafts and also took part in World Bee Day.  We have been very inquizative, using our science skills to find out about habitats and animals.


Everyone Different, Everyone Loved
