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St John the Baptist Primary School

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Class 2 - Miss Cooke

Autumn Term - Movers and Shakers

It’s been a busy Autumn term in Class 2. We begun Autumn 2 by doing the story of The Three Little Pigs. The children were brilliant at talking about and retelling the story through a range of different activities. We learnt about the World Cup and made our own football biscuits as well as talking about how we can keep ourselves healthy. We then started learning about Christmas and are all fantastic at telling the Christmas story. We have loved celebrating Christmas together as a class. 

Spring 2023- Coastlines

What an amazing and fun filled Spring term we have had in Class2! In science we have been looking closely at plants; learning about how they survive and labelling the different parts of the plant and flower. We especially enjoyed our seed germination investigation, which had surprising results! In art this term we have been focusing on using different materials and design techniques to make flowers. We have used paper plates, card and paint. We loved our trip to the Botanical Gardens in Durham, where we learned even more about different plants and animals from around the world! To end the term we have looked at the Easter story, participated in prayer spaces and enjoyed Easter crafts with our families. 



Summer 2023- Magnificent Monarchs

Summer term has filled with hard work, determination and a heap load of fun!
We have had lots of visitors in, including authors Liz Million and Simon Hunt . We were blessed with beautiful weather for our trips to Saltburn and Norton library, where all children showed respect.
The Year 1 children worked extremely hard on their phonics checks, I could not be prouder of each and every one of them. 

We learned about the different Monarchs that ruled over England, Queen Victoria was our favourite. We learned about animals, habitats and life cycles and enjoyed looking after meal worms and watching them change. In PSHE we learned about the importance of a community and how to spend money wisely.  

Everyone Different, Everyone Loved
