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St John the Baptist Primary School

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Class 5b - Miss Thompson

Well what a fun term we've had in Year 3!

In maths, we have been developing our place value skills as well as learning multiplication facts. 

Our English work has linked to our Invaders theme, as we have been reading and writing texts such as playscripts relating to Viking invasions and raids and non-chronological reports about everyday life.  A Viking even came to visit us in school to teach us all about Viking life!

We have also had a dance teacher in school to help us with our dance lessons, which has been fun learning new dance routines. 

Alongside having these exciting visitors in school, we have also enjoyed our visits to church and our trip to the cinema to watch Sing 2.

We started this term by learning about our new topic 'Misty Mountain, Winding River'. The majority of our Geography learning has focused on rivers and mountains in the UK and around the world, learning lots of new vocabulary. In Science, we have been learning about classification and creating classification keys to group various living things. We have also took part in scientific enquiries, we loved making the boats! We have been on a trip to the Tees Barrage this term, where the children could show off how much they knew about rivers! Well done! We have completed our Outdoor Learning, which was lots of fun, and we had lots of fun celebrating World Book Day. In writing, we have developed our skills and completed work based on the book 'The Abominables'. 

Everyone Different, Everyone Loved
