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St John the Baptist Primary School

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Class 3 - Mrs Elliman

Autumn term- Movers and Shakers

What a busy half term! We have had had lots of sickness this half term but lots of fun!

We have enjoyed celebrating the  World Cup and even though England lost we learned about the importance of team work and resilience.

In Theme we learned about activists, people who think things aren’t fair and do something to change this, like Rosa Parks and Ameline Pankhurst.

We have been preparing for Christmas and learning about advent and the waiting and preparing for the arrival of Jesus. We have made cards, calendars, decorations and enjoyed pantomimes, parties, performances and fun with our friends. We are excited for what January 2023 will bring.

Spring 2023- Coastlines

We have had an amazing spring term. We have been learning about plants, the parts of plants and what plants need to survive. We investigated the germination of seeds and bulbs and found out that the smallest seeds don’t always germinate first. We all planted a sunflower seed and sent them home to see who could make them grow the tallest. In geography we have been learning about the coastline. We have learned about physical features, which are features that are made by the wind the rain and the sea and we have learned about human features, these are the things that are made by humans like shops, piers and harbours.

We have also enjoyed world book day, a trip to the botanical Gardens in Durham, we have led worship about justice and being fair, we have enjoyed prayer spaces linked to Easter and enjoyed art and craft activities with our families and friends.

Summer 2023 - Magnificent Monarchs

Summer term has been hot, hardworking and very busy! 
We have had lots of visitors in, including Liz Million, Simon Hunt and Huskies basketball. We enjoyed trips to Preston park, Saltburn and Norton library, with excellent behaviour in all of these places.
The Year 2 children worked hard on their SATs and the Year 1 children worked just as hard on their phonics checks. I am very proud of how hard they worked and am thankful for the parents who supported at home.

We have learned all about English monarchs and the children’s favourite was Henry 8th. We learned about animals, habitats and life cycles and enjoyed looking after meal worms and watching them change.

Everyone Different, Everyone Loved
